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File Created: 01-Oct-2021 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  26-Oct-2021 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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BCGS Map 104N033
Status Showing NTS Map 104N06W
Latitude 059º 23' 14'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 133º 28' 38'' Northing 6584159
Easting 586492
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Atlin Horsefeed occurrence is located about 7 kilometres east from the eastern shore of Atlin Lake approximately 23.5 kilometres south-southeast of the community of Atlin.

On the Atlin Horsefeed property, the upper Mississippian to Permian Horsefeed Formation conformably overlies the Mississippian to Triassic Kedahda Formation, both of the Cache Creek Complex. The Horsefeed Formation consists of carbonates that are grey to black on fresh surfaces, and a pale gray, tan or locally orange colour on weathered surfaces. Bedding features are rarely seen in outcrop. Weathered outcrops usually develop siliceous spicules or wispy black veinlet surfaces.

Exposures of the Horsefeed Formation can be traced throughout the Atlin Horsefeed property. The Horsefeed Formation consists of light grey to medium grey weathered and fresh, micritic lime mudstones. Outcrops are typically massive and resistant with minor calcite veining and oxide alteration along fractures. Several samples exhibit intense recrystallization, moderate amounts of carbonaceous stringers and minor disseminated sulphides. Overall, minimal local dolomitization has been observed in outcrops of the Horsefeed Formation on the property. The Horsefeed Formation consistently returns values in excess of 98 per cent CaCO3 over significant intervals on the property, with minimal exceptions where veining is present. A total of 275 samples were collected from the Horsefeed Formation in 2019, representing approximately 789.5 metres of stratigraphy (Assessment Report 38763).

Overall, the samples of Horsefeed Formation were variable in quality, but generally high-calcium in nature. Of the 275 samples collected, 267 returned values greater than 95 per cent CaCO3, with 134 samples exceeding 99 per cent CaCO3. Several intervals returned favourable results over substantial thicknesses. The best interval, section 2019-01, yielded an average of 99.34 per cent CaCO3, 0.40 per cent MgCO3 and 0.10 per cent SiO2 over approximately 68.5 metres. Another notable interval, section 2019-18, averaged 97.70 per cent CaCO3, 1.52 per cent MgCO3 and 0.42 per cent SiO2 over approximately 131.5 metres (Assessment Report 38763).

In 2012, the Horsefeed 1 and 2 claims were acquired to cover potential high calcium limestone deposits of the Horsefeed Formation east of Atlin Lake. Exploration programs were completed in summer 2013 and 2014; based on favourable results, the Horsefeed 3 tenure was acquired in spring 2015. Exploration programs were previously completed on the Horsefeed 1, 2 and 3 in the summers of 2013-19. In 2013, 86 limestone samples of the Horsefeed Formation were examined and collected by Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. In 2014, an additional 127 limestone outcrops were mapped and sampled. In 2015, a total of 15 limestone outcrops were examined and sampled at nine locations. In 2016, 87 limestone samples were collected. In 2017, 252 limestone outcrops were mapped and sampled. In 2018, 286 limestone outcrops were mapped and sampled. In 2019, Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. and Graymont Western Canada Inc. carried out a mapping and sampling program and a total of 275 surface samples were collected and analyzed to test the limestone quality on/near the property.

EMPR ASS RPT 34644, 35223, 35988, 36645, 37352, 38077, *38763, 40003
EMPR OF 1989-15; 1989-24; 1996-11
GSC P 74-47
GSC OF 864
DIAND OF 1990-4
Cordey, F. et al. (1987): Significance of Jurassic Radiolarians from the Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia, in Geology Vol.15, pp. 1151-1154